Tree Health Evaluation and Treatment
Preserving the Majestic Trees of Charlottesville and Albemarle County
Charlottesville and Albemarle County boast a rich variety of majestic, mature trees. Unfortunately, these trees face numerous stressors that can impact their health and longevity. At Charlottesville Tree Service, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized approach to ensure your trees thrive in the urban environment.
Like People, Trees Need Care
Trees require regular care and monitoring to stay healthy and robust. Much like humans, trees benefit from professional assessments and treatment options when facing health challenges. Our local, professional tree company offers a tailored approach to tree health care that considers regional pests, local climate impacts, and the specific conditions of your landscape.
Soil Care
Healthy trees grow from healthy soil. Farmers and Orchardists are often are obsessed with the fertility of their soils for growing the plant structure and ultimately the nutrient value in the crop. Owners of ornamental and landscape trees are not as equally concerned with their soils–we should be.
Many of the above-ground issues seen in trees have their origins with the quality of the soil the tree is drawing nutrients from. The first stop for tree health should start with a collection of soil samples and testing. We will provide this with the initial consultation.
General Recommendations
Along with focus on soil fertility, simple site management goes a long way to promoting the health your trees. One key recommendation is to ensure your trees are adequately watered and mulched.
During extended periods without rain, leaving a sprinkler on near your trees for an hour can work wonders in maintaining soil moisture. Another crucial step is to pull back the sod from the base of the trees and install mulch as far out as possible, ideally extending to the drip line of the canopy.
Mulching creates a “sponge zone” that absorbs and holds moisture while also moderating soil temperature. In natural forest environments, leaf fall acts as mulch, creating a fungal soil environment that benefits trees. In contrast, grass, which competes with trees for water and nutrients due to its aggressive feeder roots, creates a bacterial environment trees can struggle.
By implementing these simple practices, you can significantly enhance the health and vitality of your trees. During our initial consultation, we can assist you with planning and developing these recommendations.
Expert Solutions for Stress and Pest Management
If you’ve notice that your tree’s foliage is not as vibrant as you think it should be, that insects are on the bark and eating the leaves, conspicuous fungus on the bark, or that the canopy is showing a lot of holes, these are all signs of stress and pest pressure on your trees and shrubs that should be diagnosed and addressed.
One of the most common indicators of advanced stress is “tip dieback.” This is where small growth throughout the canopy dies back systematically. Many possible source can cause this issue, including:
- compacted soil from construction,
- restricted root zones due to asphalt or buildings,
- heat damage from asphalt,
- water molds attacking roots,
- various diseases that restrict the tree’s vessels,
- root loss from mechanical injuries,
- and insufficient water.
Additionally, there are pests that target specific tree species in Albemarle County. The most notable current examples include:
- Emerald Ash Borer attacking Ash trees
- Bacterial Leaf Scorch, an insect-borne disease affecting Red Oaks
- Gloomy Scale impacting primarily soft Maples
- Wooly Adelgid targeting Hemlocks
Tree Health Care Program
Charlottesville Tree Service draws on over 30 years of experience diagnosing and treating these stressors and pests to help you protect your valued trees.
The pests and conditions described above can be effectively managed with site management as well as targeted pesticide application. Our methods, such as minimal soil drench or injection, eliminate the need for aerial sprays, thus minimizing the impact on the surrounding landscape.
Charlottesville Tree Service is dedicated to the health and longevity of your trees. We offer both individual tree treatments and comprehensive Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs tailored to the specific needs of your landscape. Contact us to schedule an assessment, and let us help your trees thrive.